Grade 10: Social Science - Contemporary India II (Geography)

Grade 10: Social Science - Contemporary India II (Geography)

Master the geography of Contemporary India II with this comprehensive course

Language : English

Instructor : SelfUpGrad

Grade 10: Social Science - Contemporary India II (Geography)

Master the geography of Contemporary India II with this comprehensive course



Interactive Video Lesson

Dynamic Slide Presentations

Mind Notes for quick learning

Textbook Solutions for your exams

Practice Questions to strengthen your memory



This course covers the geography topic of Contemporary India II as per the NCERT Class 10 curriculum. Students will explore various aspects of Indian geography, including resources and development, agriculture, manufacturing industries, mineral and energy resources, and challenges in the present time. The course provides comprehensive knowledge and understanding of these topics through interactive lessons, clear explanations, and engaging activities.

Key Highlights:

  • Complete coverage of NCERT Class 10 geography syllabus
  • Interactive lessons with visual aids for better understanding
  • In-depth exploration of resources, industries, and challenges in India
  • Engaging activities to reinforce learning
  • Practice quizzes and assessments for self-evaluation

What you will learn:

  • Learning Outcome 1
    Understand the concept of resources and development in India, including types of resources, their distribution, and sustainable development practices.
  • Learning Outcome 2
    Gain insights into the agricultural sector in India, including different types of farming practices, cropping patterns, and modern agricultural techniques.
  • Learning Outcome 3
    Explore the manufacturing industries in India, including the location and characteristics of major industries, industrial pollution, and government initiatives.
  • Learning Outcome 4
    Study the mineral and energy resources in India, including their distribution, types, and the challenges associated with their utilization and conservation.
  • Learning Outcome 5
    Analyze the present challenges and issues faced by India, such as population, urbanization, environmental concerns, and sustainable development practices.

Course Content




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